Mother Holding up her Baby in the Park

When you’re a parent, it can be easy to get in a routine of spending most of your time inside, especially when you have young infants. You don’t have to worry about their wardrobe, packing a diaper bag, or hauling out the stroller. But all of those things are totally worth it, since spending time outside has a lot of great benefits for baby. Here are five of our favorite reasons to get outside with your little one.

Helps Your Baby Stay Healthy

Taking your baby outside when the weather permits, is great for you and for your child. During the winter months, you are exposed to more germs with indoor recirculated air than outdoors. Bringing baby outside for some fresh air (just make sure they’re dressed appropriately for the weather) is a great way to bond and experience a new environment. In general, you should wait until your baby is a couple months old, and is up to date on vaccines, before bringing them into any public space.

Provides Sensory Stimulation

When babies spend a lot of time in the same, familiar environment, they can get bored. That’s easily solved with a quick outdoor adventure. Think of all the new things your baby can experience outside: sunshine, vibrant colors, different smells, interesting textures, and even new sounds. All of these new experiences work together to stimulate baby’s brain and improve their cognitive development. Providing outdoor sensory stimulation can be done anywhere: a stroller walk around the city, your own backyard, or taking a trip to a park.

Boosts Baby’s Language

Time spent outdoors is a great way for you and your baby to explore—and for you to teach them new words. As you walk around outside, point out new things, or narrate your experiences (for example: “That animal is called a squirrel! See his big fluffy tail?” “Do you hear that loud sound? That’s a motorcycle!”). These types of chats (even if they are a bit one-sided) can have a huge impact on your baby’s language development. Notice what catches your baby’s eye, and help them learn more about it. If your baby seems excited by seeing some bright flowers, walk over to look at them in more detail and tell baby all about them—describe their color, even help them smell and touch the soft petals.

Helps with Sleep

Getting plenty of natural light each day can help you and your baby sleep better at night by reinforcing their natural circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm regulates part of the body’s hormone production and tells the brain to be awake during the day, and to sleep at night.

Being exposed to light during the day causes sufficient melatonin (the sleep hormone) to be released at night, helping you both sleep more soundly. Note that infants younger than 6 months should not be exposed to direct sunlight and should not be outside for long periods of time in hot weather. Babies older than 6 months may use sunscreen and should have sunscreen applied if their skin is directly exposed to sunlight. Limit exposure for all children from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when UV rays are strongest.

Mental Health Benefits for Parents

Spending time outside with your baby is great for parents, too. It improves mood, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. A simple change of scenery can do wonders for moms and babies alike during a hard day. It’s a win-win for both of you!

We hope you and your little adventurer enjoy spending time together in the great outdoors.
