GI cancers can occur anywhere in the digestive system, and in addition to colon cancer, include cancers of the rectum, stomach, esophagus, pancreas, liver, and small intestine.

Expertise You Can Count On

From early detection to advanced treatments, including nationally-ranked colorectal surgery, our colon and GI cancer program offers what you need.

Group of Women

Colon cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It is a gastrointestinal (GI) cancer that forms in the tissues of the colon—the longest part of the large intestine.

Most colon cancers start as a polyp—a growth that starts in the inner lining of the colon or rectum and grows toward the center. Most polyps are not cancer. Only certain types, called adenomas, can become cancer. Taking out a polyp early, when it is small, may keep it from becoming cancer.

A Coordinated Team of Specialists

At Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, a team of specialists comes together to care for you—mind, body, and spirit.

From prevention, early detection and diagnosis, through treatment and recovery, you are in the hands of a strong team of medical oncologists, nurse navigators, radiation oncologists, surgeons, gastroenterologists, primary care physicians, dietitians, social workers, and therapists, focused on fighting colorectal cancer.

In This Section...

Colon Cancer Screening

Colonoscopy and other colon cancer screenings can prevent colorectal cancer or catch it at its most curable stage.

Colon and GI Cancer Treatment

We offer comprehensive treatment for colorectal cancer, and our hospital is ranked among the best in the nation for colon cancer surgery.

Cancer Treatment Support

Our support services include a wide range of programs, education and events to help cancer patients and their loved ones.

Clinical Trials and Research

No matter what kind of cancer you are facing, we will help guide you through your journey, providing the best possible information, care and support.

Chris' Story

Chris’ nurse navigator at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health helped coordinate his colon cancer treatment, including gastrointestinal surgery at Penn.

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