Fresh Express Columbia

A partnership between Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, Community Action Partnership, Columbia Life Network, and Central PA Food Bank, this mobile fresh food pantry in Columbia, PA, provides fresh produce and healthy food options to Columbia residents who meet income guidelines.

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Columbia residents who meet household income criteria can receive free fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs, and other healthy foods at this monthly event. Bring an ID or proof of address and bags or boxes to take food home. For more information, please call 717-684-1497 or visit

Food Farmacy 

Lancaster County Food Farmacy logo

A dietitian with Lancaster County Food Farmacy offers free nutrition counseling and free, healthy food to patients and their families. Clients with a nutrition-related chronic disease and a limited budget may be eligible for this program. Ask your LG Health doctor today about the Food Farmacy.



Hunger-Free Lancaster County

Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health is a committed supporter of Hunger-Free Lancaster County (HFLC), a community coalition of over 40 organizations working together to ensure sustainable access to three healthy meals a day for all Lancastrians.

HFLC is focused not only on eliminating the meal gap in Lancaster County, but is also committed to ensuring that all Lancastrians have access to fresh, wholesome meals.

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