LGBT at Lancaster General Health.

Compassionate and Knowledgeable

High-quality, unbiased, patient-centered health care.

Equal Care for All

At Lancaster General Health, all patients have the right to high-quality, unbiased, patient-centered health care, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Without exception. We are proud to be recognized as an LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader.

All providers and staff throughout Lancaster General Health and the entire Penn Medicine system are committed to delivering compassionate and knowledgeable care to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ+) people and their families in a safe and friendly environment, reducing any feelings of unease or discomfort.

A number of LG Health providers have clinical experience related to LGBTQ+ health care issues. LG Health Physicians Comprehensive Careis particularly experienced in offering specialized care.

In addition, a growing list of providers have experience prescribing and managing PrEP and/or have other clinical experience or training in LGBTQ+ health care, which is noted by "LGBTQ Health" being listed in the Clinical Expertise section on their Find a Doctor profile. You can search "LGBT" or "LGBTQ" in the Condition or Treatment search field of Find a Doctor to return a list of these providers.

More information on the LGBTQ+ Health Program at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia is available here.

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